Thursday, November 15, 2012

My birthday will be the biggets rape days

Hey kids, its time to get this business I run on a roll. I know you crave me, I know you want attention from me, but lets face it I run shit and your just a on the sideline faggot adoring this KING. My birthday is coming up and I want it to be the biggest rape days. 
I have already gotten hundreds in tributes from slaves not able to attend on the 24th or anytime before because of their foreign schedules.. so if you plan on tributing this king and having a public huge rape on tiny chat contact me now and we will set something up! Remember also selling goods, cum-filled condoms.. underwear, socks, shoes.. you know the deal.. I also need some new items off my wishlist cleared! so get on it now.. here is the link
contact me now im online joshua.crook7 skype

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